Welcome to Gemstone CX

Gemstone CX

August 2018 I started Gemstone CX. My very own ‘me myself and I’ business, driven by ambition and passion. (And maybe some balls, up for you to decide).

As extraordinary career opportunities don’t come by on a daily basis,  there was no other way for me than taking a leap of faith; quit the job I loved and worked for the past 9 years and start my very own business Gemstone CX.

Over the past 2 years I’ve been working for Provincie Zeeland (government) as entrepreneur leading the digital marketing roadmap related to destination marketing. Which means ambitious goals in an challenging environment.  When blessed with driven colleagues with a ‘can do’ mentality,  I can only be grateful for the pleasure and fulfillment it gives me working on those digital ambitions under these circumstances.

Here on my website, I’d like to tell you more about my current role and responsibilities, my background and curriculum.  In case of questions please get in touch. I’d be happy to answer them.